Throughout this coming year, local chapters will be focusing on Alpha State Texas Educational Foundation, ASTEF, during chapter meetings. From songs to games to icebreakers, scripts, slogans and much more, the resources are posted here for your convenience.
Any PDF document described below may be downloaded for your use.
Consider sharing your chapter's good ASTEF news with the ASTEF marketing team.
Send news and photos to Rhonda Posey, Marketing Chair, [email protected]. By sending pictures and/or news, you are granting permission for us to publish these in the Lone Star News, on the TSO or ASTEF website, on the ASTEF Facebook page and in Constant Contact email messages to ASTEF members. SAMPLE NEWS RELEASE Prepare a news release for your chapter. Submit the article and action photos to the local media: cable, television, radio -- school and city. Take it to the editor's office and introduce yourself and your chapter.