project stipends 2022-23
1. Gamma Eta - We Will Build it Together - $2,500 - Gamma Eta plans to build school pride, camaraderie, ownership with a WE DID IT attitude! The membership of this chapter has partnered with a local high school agricultural teacher and his students to build and replace the picnic tables that sit between the elementary and secondary buildings. The members of this chapter and the students in the Ag classes will be incorporating math skills, budgeting, problem solving and project management to buy the materials needed, cut the wood to correct specifications and build (including welding) to construct picnic tables. Most importantly, the involvement of students working with adults will lead to an increased social / emotional level and overall mental wellness for the students. Members will be involved in staining and weatherproofing these tables that the students can enjoy during lunch, school functions, and community events held at the schools for years to come!
2. Delta Psi - Special Hearts in the Arts - $851 - Music is the vehicle through which Delta Psi anticipates the professional growth of women educators and promoting student excellence will be championed. This chapter will incorporate learning of music and movement to provide students and teachers in Special Hearts in the Arts and chapter members to help students learn new performances. The chapter members will attend their practice sessions and assist students with the development of written narrations to be delivered during performance for public events including chapter meetings.
3. Epsilon Sigma - Using Art, Music, and Technology to Engage Elementary Students in a Fun and Effective Way - $1,137 - Epsilon Sigma is using music, technology and the arts to engage their elementary students. These hands-on techniques increase engagement and enhance overall learning. The chapter wants to provide proven ideas to (30) thirty teachers in a workshop so they can connect with their students in a fun and effective way. They will also offer CPE credit for the training. The chapter will supplement this ASTEF grant by purchasing school supplies and hands-on materials.
4. Omega - Make Kindness Normal - $1,500 - Selling pecans is how Omega chapter plans to raise money to enhance their potential ASTEF grant. Second grade students in Brown County will receive a kindness-themed book to take home and add to their home library. The hopes of encouraging literacy have grown in the last three years as this project has unfolded. Over 1400 books have already been purchased with chapter members raising funds for the effort. The project has been well-received by students, teachers and parents. It increases interpersonal skills when the books are shared at home with siblings and parents.
5. Theta Sigma - Books for 1st and 2nd Graders - $610 - A chapter in Area 3 is most concerned with the impact of online learning the first and second graders experienced the past two years. It is the goal of this project to not only establish the love of reading but to also help maintain and improve the skills while these students are away from school. This project stipend will put books in the hands of the first and second graders before they are dismissed for Spring Break. It will encourage them to continue practicing their reading skills. The long-term goal is to help improve their vocabulary, enhance their reading skills, instill a love of reading, and give them the satisfaction of owning their own books.
6. Lambda Alpha - Children's Home Library Project - $450 - Lambda Alpha Chapter participated in a book give away program for two schools in SBISD that are low socio-economic, high free and reduced lunch and provide for bilingual students. Each child was able to select one new book provided by the ASTEF funds. For this year we were also able to provide 2 additional gently used books provided by a local charity, Books Between Kids. We also targeted the classroom teachers. A book to be placed in the classroom library was carefully curated. Our chapter selected 5 different titles so that by sharing across the grade level, the 5 teachers would have access to 5 different titles. The chapter also provided lessons that could be used with the books. All of the teacher selections were books to encourage problem solving and creativity.
At Shadow Oaks, we had a short talk about where the books came from and why we were giving the students books. Then students were able to select one new book and 2 gently used books. The students took their time, looking carefully at the books as they selected. Then they quietly sat down and began to read. In the books from Books Between Kids, there were some very old titles. I was concerned that the students would not pick these books. But the teachers had been reading those same titles aloud in the classroom and they were quickly snatched up! The children were so appreciative of the books. They gave hugs and high fives as they left the library.
As we were leaving the school, a young lady yelled over “Thank you so much for the books. Now I have something to do over Spring Break!”
The second school we gave books to was Woodview Elementary. Again the students and teachers were so appreciative. Woodview is currently being rebuilt, so their resources while at a transition campus is limited. Adding books to their classrooms and to home libraries was a treasure.
7. Beta Xi - Promoting Educational Success for Texas At-Risk Youth - $1,868 - Supporting the Educating Children’s Future Community Center Tutorial Program is a passion of Beta Xi. They plan to supply adequate technology licenses, materials, curriculum supplies and classroom lease fees to keep the program up-to-date. Members will collect and distribute book donations and supplies while encouraging and supporting what the Center does. Some even volunteer at the center. This chapter is hoping to help reverse the trend of poor student achievement and promote meaningful relationships between students and educators, directly impacting success in their educational pathways.
8. Epsilon Delta - IPADS for Shelby's Friends - $2,000 - Epsilon Delta wants to purchase IPADS in order to help their Friends at Shelby’s Bridge master the various tasks that will enable them to attain skills needed to prepare them for employment as adults. Friends will receive instructions and practice that will be the beginning of learning the system used for sales transactions in both the thrift and gift shops. These skills will also prepare them for future employment. The chapter members will supplement this ASTEF grant by purchasing accessories such as keyboards, chargers, and other supplies. Chapter members will also be available to act as customers and help with technical expertise as needed to do the initial loading of software.
9. Beta Upsilon - Supporting new women educators - $400 - Beta Upsilon in Area 10 is continuing a previous project that has supported new teachers outfitting their classroom. By honoring these new women educators this chapter is supporting women educators and promoting the image of Delta Kappa Gamma in schools. The monetary gift will provide an opportunity for the new teachers to develop a sense of pride as they purchase items to begin the school year and further support their students in the academic endeavors ahead.
10. Theta Zeta - A Key to Appreciating Differences - $2,016 - Theta Zeta will order 90 copies of Mr. Quigley’s Keys. This book will teach children about basic values, empathy and ethnic/cultural diversities. Each book will have a bookplate. Members will personally distribute books to schools and offer to read the book to the children in the school library or classroom. Each elementary campus (45) will have 2 copies, one for the library and one for classroom use.
11. Beta Epsilon - Weekend Snack Pack Program - $350 - Beta Epsilon is very concerned about the food shortage for economically disadvantaged students on the weekends. They propose to purchase 25 weekend snack bags to be given out at 4 strategic times during the year to grades K-12. This will help students be ready for learning and achieving goals without being distracted by hunger pangs. A note inside will inform the student of the source and show how others are interested in their academic achievements.
12. Gamma Beta - Game Day at the Samaritan Inn - $700 - Our project was a fabulous success! We had 18 Gamma Beta sisters
present at the Inn to help set up, help each child get a board game and backpack with school supplies, books, and small educational
games/toys, and refreshments. Danny Perkins put together the sports equipment shelf. The members put all the sports equipment on the shelf - jump ropes, hula hoops, footballs, soccer balls, basketballs, toss & catch sets, and skip ball ankle toys. We had 6 families with 10 children attend the event. The children and families were very appreciative of the games and backpacks. The children were very excited about the sports equipment and the refreshments. I really felt the weather was a factor in the low turnout but Stacy Bergman from the Samaritan Inn did say that a number of families came by later in the day and got games and backpacks. I want to say a huge thank you and much appreciation to my Gamma Beta sisters who donated items each month for this event. YOU are the reason those backpacks were full and each child got a board game at this event. I purchased the equipment shelf, clear plastic backpacks, and some of the sports equipment to fill up the shelf with the grant money that we received from ASTEF. Gamma Beta did the rest - school supplies, books, games, sports balls, refreshments and decorations.
13. Kappa Lambda - A Little Seed Will go a Long Way- $600 - The membership of Kappa Lambda consists of gardening enthusiasts, who wish to share their love and knowledge about gardening with a group of students at a local Learning Center serving special education students in grades 6 through 12. The new Director of this Learning Center is also a member of the chapter. Their goal is to help the students build social skills and an opportunity to learn the importance of regulating their emotions. By working alongside with other people (chapter members) and students in building a garden from the ground up, the students learn more skills, live science lessons and opportunities to work with their peers. Once the garden flourishes, the food grown will be used in the current culinary class, developing a partnership with the Junior Master Gardener program and for the students to work closely with community members.
2. Delta Psi - Special Hearts in the Arts - $851 - Music is the vehicle through which Delta Psi anticipates the professional growth of women educators and promoting student excellence will be championed. This chapter will incorporate learning of music and movement to provide students and teachers in Special Hearts in the Arts and chapter members to help students learn new performances. The chapter members will attend their practice sessions and assist students with the development of written narrations to be delivered during performance for public events including chapter meetings.
3. Epsilon Sigma - Using Art, Music, and Technology to Engage Elementary Students in a Fun and Effective Way - $1,137 - Epsilon Sigma is using music, technology and the arts to engage their elementary students. These hands-on techniques increase engagement and enhance overall learning. The chapter wants to provide proven ideas to (30) thirty teachers in a workshop so they can connect with their students in a fun and effective way. They will also offer CPE credit for the training. The chapter will supplement this ASTEF grant by purchasing school supplies and hands-on materials.
4. Omega - Make Kindness Normal - $1,500 - Selling pecans is how Omega chapter plans to raise money to enhance their potential ASTEF grant. Second grade students in Brown County will receive a kindness-themed book to take home and add to their home library. The hopes of encouraging literacy have grown in the last three years as this project has unfolded. Over 1400 books have already been purchased with chapter members raising funds for the effort. The project has been well-received by students, teachers and parents. It increases interpersonal skills when the books are shared at home with siblings and parents.
5. Theta Sigma - Books for 1st and 2nd Graders - $610 - A chapter in Area 3 is most concerned with the impact of online learning the first and second graders experienced the past two years. It is the goal of this project to not only establish the love of reading but to also help maintain and improve the skills while these students are away from school. This project stipend will put books in the hands of the first and second graders before they are dismissed for Spring Break. It will encourage them to continue practicing their reading skills. The long-term goal is to help improve their vocabulary, enhance their reading skills, instill a love of reading, and give them the satisfaction of owning their own books.
6. Lambda Alpha - Children's Home Library Project - $450 - Lambda Alpha Chapter participated in a book give away program for two schools in SBISD that are low socio-economic, high free and reduced lunch and provide for bilingual students. Each child was able to select one new book provided by the ASTEF funds. For this year we were also able to provide 2 additional gently used books provided by a local charity, Books Between Kids. We also targeted the classroom teachers. A book to be placed in the classroom library was carefully curated. Our chapter selected 5 different titles so that by sharing across the grade level, the 5 teachers would have access to 5 different titles. The chapter also provided lessons that could be used with the books. All of the teacher selections were books to encourage problem solving and creativity.
At Shadow Oaks, we had a short talk about where the books came from and why we were giving the students books. Then students were able to select one new book and 2 gently used books. The students took their time, looking carefully at the books as they selected. Then they quietly sat down and began to read. In the books from Books Between Kids, there were some very old titles. I was concerned that the students would not pick these books. But the teachers had been reading those same titles aloud in the classroom and they were quickly snatched up! The children were so appreciative of the books. They gave hugs and high fives as they left the library.
As we were leaving the school, a young lady yelled over “Thank you so much for the books. Now I have something to do over Spring Break!”
The second school we gave books to was Woodview Elementary. Again the students and teachers were so appreciative. Woodview is currently being rebuilt, so their resources while at a transition campus is limited. Adding books to their classrooms and to home libraries was a treasure.
7. Beta Xi - Promoting Educational Success for Texas At-Risk Youth - $1,868 - Supporting the Educating Children’s Future Community Center Tutorial Program is a passion of Beta Xi. They plan to supply adequate technology licenses, materials, curriculum supplies and classroom lease fees to keep the program up-to-date. Members will collect and distribute book donations and supplies while encouraging and supporting what the Center does. Some even volunteer at the center. This chapter is hoping to help reverse the trend of poor student achievement and promote meaningful relationships between students and educators, directly impacting success in their educational pathways.
8. Epsilon Delta - IPADS for Shelby's Friends - $2,000 - Epsilon Delta wants to purchase IPADS in order to help their Friends at Shelby’s Bridge master the various tasks that will enable them to attain skills needed to prepare them for employment as adults. Friends will receive instructions and practice that will be the beginning of learning the system used for sales transactions in both the thrift and gift shops. These skills will also prepare them for future employment. The chapter members will supplement this ASTEF grant by purchasing accessories such as keyboards, chargers, and other supplies. Chapter members will also be available to act as customers and help with technical expertise as needed to do the initial loading of software.
9. Beta Upsilon - Supporting new women educators - $400 - Beta Upsilon in Area 10 is continuing a previous project that has supported new teachers outfitting their classroom. By honoring these new women educators this chapter is supporting women educators and promoting the image of Delta Kappa Gamma in schools. The monetary gift will provide an opportunity for the new teachers to develop a sense of pride as they purchase items to begin the school year and further support their students in the academic endeavors ahead.
10. Theta Zeta - A Key to Appreciating Differences - $2,016 - Theta Zeta will order 90 copies of Mr. Quigley’s Keys. This book will teach children about basic values, empathy and ethnic/cultural diversities. Each book will have a bookplate. Members will personally distribute books to schools and offer to read the book to the children in the school library or classroom. Each elementary campus (45) will have 2 copies, one for the library and one for classroom use.
11. Beta Epsilon - Weekend Snack Pack Program - $350 - Beta Epsilon is very concerned about the food shortage for economically disadvantaged students on the weekends. They propose to purchase 25 weekend snack bags to be given out at 4 strategic times during the year to grades K-12. This will help students be ready for learning and achieving goals without being distracted by hunger pangs. A note inside will inform the student of the source and show how others are interested in their academic achievements.
12. Gamma Beta - Game Day at the Samaritan Inn - $700 - Our project was a fabulous success! We had 18 Gamma Beta sisters
present at the Inn to help set up, help each child get a board game and backpack with school supplies, books, and small educational
games/toys, and refreshments. Danny Perkins put together the sports equipment shelf. The members put all the sports equipment on the shelf - jump ropes, hula hoops, footballs, soccer balls, basketballs, toss & catch sets, and skip ball ankle toys. We had 6 families with 10 children attend the event. The children and families were very appreciative of the games and backpacks. The children were very excited about the sports equipment and the refreshments. I really felt the weather was a factor in the low turnout but Stacy Bergman from the Samaritan Inn did say that a number of families came by later in the day and got games and backpacks. I want to say a huge thank you and much appreciation to my Gamma Beta sisters who donated items each month for this event. YOU are the reason those backpacks were full and each child got a board game at this event. I purchased the equipment shelf, clear plastic backpacks, and some of the sports equipment to fill up the shelf with the grant money that we received from ASTEF. Gamma Beta did the rest - school supplies, books, games, sports balls, refreshments and decorations.
13. Kappa Lambda - A Little Seed Will go a Long Way- $600 - The membership of Kappa Lambda consists of gardening enthusiasts, who wish to share their love and knowledge about gardening with a group of students at a local Learning Center serving special education students in grades 6 through 12. The new Director of this Learning Center is also a member of the chapter. Their goal is to help the students build social skills and an opportunity to learn the importance of regulating their emotions. By working alongside with other people (chapter members) and students in building a garden from the ground up, the students learn more skills, live science lessons and opportunities to work with their peers. Once the garden flourishes, the food grown will be used in the current culinary class, developing a partnership with the Junior Master Gardener program and for the students to work closely with community members.